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A beard makes it a bit more difficult to play - but it's certainly not impossible. You only get a more visible mark around your lips because you have to press harder to get a good seal.
The didjeridu, also spelled didgeridu, didge, titjeridoe or didjeridoo is a musical instrument originally made from a hollow tree branch of eucalyptus wood and have an average length of 120cm – 180cm
According to Aboriginal tradition, women were not allowed to play didgeridoo. It would make them sterile. Now the didgeridoo was a real men's instrument according to their own tradition. Of course women are allowed to play didgeridoo just like women are allowed to play other musical instruments!
The didgeridoo is an Aboriginal instrument that has traditionally been important in Aboriginal ceremonies. The didgeridoo was mainly part of the Aboriginal culture to tell their stories and to get in touch with the spirit world.
The best keys to start with are a low note between a C and an E note. A bamboo didgeridoo is highly recommended because of a nice low deep tone that is usually tuned to the key of D due to its length (120cm).
Each didgeridoo has its own basic tone. This unique tone provides the basic tone and resonance that, in addition to the shape of the didgeridoo, is a major part of the sound. The most commonly used and loved keys are those between a C and an E tone. Our team at Australian Treasures are happy to advise you on choosing the right didgeridoo. Send an email to
You can easily make a didgeridoo yourself from a PVC tube. Sometimes you don't have to do anything about it and a PVC pipe that you can buy at a hardware store is enough. The ideal length for a homemade didgeridoo is about 130cm. This length gives you a low didgeridoo tone. You can even give the tube a nice shape by heating the PVC tube and bending it to give the didgeridoo a nice branch shape. If necessary, make a beeswax mouthpiece on the didgeridoo and paint the didgeridoo with acrylic paint for a nice end result.
Yes, everyone young and old can learn circular breathing.
You can order a didgeridoo of your choice with the didgeridoo online course. Usually a cheap didgeridoo for beginners is chosen. But of course you can also opt for a wooden teak didgeridoo or professional mahogany didgeridoo. For the blowing technique on the didgeridoo, which one you choose does not matter that much.
An Australian didgeridoo is a tree trunk or branch hollowed out by termites, which produces a low buzzing sound when blown.
A didgeridoo can be made of different materials such as bamboo, PVC or metal.
Circular breathing is a breathing technique that allows you to breathe out CONTINUOUSLY while breathing in through your nose. With the didgeridoo, this continuous exhalation can be made audible. There is a constant exhalation making an infinite tone. With proper mastery, a long uninterrupted tone can easily be played for 15 minutes!
Musical knowledge or note reading is not necessary
Yes, with this course you will learn the basics and be able to progress for months. The more you practice the lessons, the faster you will master didgeridoo playing. Many people don't know that you can practise the circular breathing technique without a didgeridoo, wherever you are. So also in the car, train, while walking and exercising. That makes it great fun, too!
Yes, didgeridoo playing is suitable for anyone to learn. We have been giving didgeridoo workshops to the education sector for many years and even pre-school and primary school children can get a sound out of it.
The didgeridoo is different from other wind instruments. -You blow through a large opening and have to give resistance with your mouth/lips. -The didgeridoo has 1 tone, it is not a melody (wind) instrument. -On the didgeridoo you use the circular breathing technique. -The didgeridoo produces many more vibrations than other wind instruments
On the didgeridoo you blow on a mouthpiece with an opening of about 3 cm diameter. Putting your mouth against the mouthpiece and vibrating your lips produces the didgeridoo's basic tone.
The total length of the online course is over 40 minutes and covers as many as 24 lessons in it. 13 lessons relate to playing the didgeridoo and 11 lessons on circular breathing.
For people who have hyperventilation, are short of breath, have lung problems, suffer from lung covid, circular breathing and playing the didgeridoo can actually help.
Most lessons last 2 to 3 minutes on average and can be played indefinitely. So you can take didgeridoo lesson(s) at any time of the day!
You can buy a didgeridoo in our didgeridoo online shop Australian Treasures. When you buy a didgeridoo including the online course, you get a discount on the complete course package. All our didgeridoos are tested by our didgeridoo experts. Check out the wide range of didgeridoos for beginners and advanced players at With our didjes, you can also watch a demonstration video and hear and see how the didgeridoo sounds!
A didgeridoo doesn't need much maintenance. On the outside, the didgeridoo is often painted or varnished. A didgeridoo can easily withstand moisture. However, you should put the didgeridoo upright after playing so that any moisture can drain off. You can use beeswax to repair small cracks and holes in your didgeridoo. You can also use beeswax to put a mouthpiece on your didgeridoo. This is not difficult. Within 10 minutes you can fit a beeswax mouthpiece to your didgeridoo. You can learn all these techniques in the online course.
The main things to look for when buying a didgeridoo are that it has a minimum length of 120cm, a mouthpiece about 3cm in diameter. A didgeridoo doesn't have to be expensive. A bamboo, teak, pvc or mahogany didgeridoo is a good didgeridoo to start with.
Yes it has the same low tone as a normal didge. The long tube that guarantees a low tone is 'rolled up' into a spiral, so to speak. Or, as with the special travel didge, 'folded' into a zigzag shape inside a wooden box. Moreover, you can easily take these didjes to lessons, performances or when you travel and still want to do your didge exercises!
If you can't blow the basic note on your didgeridoo it may indicate a leak, crack or hole in your didgeridoo. However, you can easily repair your didgeridoo with beeswax. If you find a crack or hole near the mouthpiece, it will be difficult to get any sound out of your didgeridoo. A crack or hole at the end or bell of the didgeridoo will have little or no effect on the didgeridoo sound. The solution is to plug the leak which you can do very simply with beeswax. The advantage of beeswax is that it moves with the contraction and expansion of the didgeridoo's wood. Moreover, Australian aborigines also repair their didgeridoos in this traditional way
Australian Treasures organises one-day didgeridoo & circular breathing workshops throughout the year. With a small group of students, you will learn the basics of didgeridoo playing as well as circular breathing in one day. These lessons will be given in the beautiful little church in Beets (NH). You can register for this course via this website. Or via
Research has shown that playing the didgeridoo helps treat mild to moderate cases of sleep apnea. Both sleep apnea patients and their partners became less sleepy during the day and had less sleep disturbances at night.
An Australian Aboriginal wind instrument in the form of a long wooden tube, traditionally made from a hollow branch, which is blown to produce a deep, resonant sound, varied by rhythmic accents of timbre and volume.
These are for sale worldwide but of course also in our own webshop Australian Treasures
Circular breathing is a breathing technique in which a continuous tone can be obtained on a wind instrument. The first step of the technique is that the oral cavity is filled with as much air as possible by inflating the cheeks.
Things like resonance, tone, ease of playing, shape, size and quality are all important. It is important to start on a didgeridoo that is easy to play. This will speed up your learning process and also motivate you to keep going. We recommend starting with a relatively cheap bamboo didgeridoo.
The didgeridoo, pronounced didzjeriedoe, is a wind instrument, best known from Australia where the Aboriginal people in Northern Australia (Northern Territory) have been playing the instrument for thousands of years.
Circular breathing is a breathing technique that allows you to continuously exhale while inhaling through your nose. With the didgeridoo this continuous exhalation can be made audible. There is a constant exhalation through which an infinite tone sounds. With good control, a long continuous tone of 15 minutes can be played with ease!
That is different, but with regular practice you can learn circular breathing within a few days.
A course against snoring or apnea (OSAS) is usually (partially) reimbursed. In any case, you will always receive an invoice with a description of your purchase. In any case, check with your health insurer!
In the online course, you will learn the basic techniques of didgeridoo playing and the circular breathing technique. In a clear step-by-step plan, you will learn to play the didgeridoo in 24 50-minute lessons and get a good basic tone from the instrument. Of course, you will also blow Australian sounds on the didgeridoo such as the kangaroo, dingo and kookaburra! In this course, you will also learn the circular breathing technique and how to breathe circularly on the didgeridoo. With over 20 years of teaching experience, Australian Treasures is a leader in teaching the Australian didgeridoo! Some parts include: Blowing the basic tone Australian (animal) sounds Blowing rhythms Circular breathing techniques
When purchasing the didgeridoo lessons, you can also purchase a didgeridoo and, for example, a didgeridoo bag. This will be sent to your address together with the login code for the course! The course is available in no less than 7 languages and we ship the course and didgeridoo worldwide! You can purchase the course at
If you already own a didgeridoo you do not need to buy one. Sometimes your own didgeridoo may not blow properly because of a bad or old mouthpiece or the didgeridoo may be faulty without you noticing. Then blowing a note won't work either. For a relatively low fee, you can buy a whole new didgeridoo from the online course with a special package discount and be sure to blow a good didgeridoo!
Yes, everyone young and old can play didgeridoo and learn circular breathing.
Scientific research has shown that didgeridoo playing strengthens the throat muscles and can therefore significantly reduce snoring and lower the number of apnoea breathing stops. Of course, it is important to keep doing the exercises but, as mentioned earlier, you can do the circular breathing exercises anywhere.
For people who are short of breath, circular breathing and playing the didgeridoo can actually help.
The circular breathing technique can be learnt in a few days. To keep exercising the throat muscles, 10 minutes of exercise a day is enough mastered?
The workshop is available in 7 languages: Dutch, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Swedish.
The online course costs 34.50 pounds
We sell a wide range of didgeridoos in our Australian Treasures webshop. We do not have a physical shop. Therefore, we have added videos to our didgeridoos we offer online so you can hear and see the didgeridoo you want to buy. Of course, we are always available if you have any questions about buying from our didgeridoo shop. Please send an email to or whatsapp to 0229757766.
The original Australian didgeridoo is a tree trunk or branch hollowed out by termites, which when blown on produces a low buzzing tone. Nowadays, didgeridoos are not just from Australia but are produced worldwide. You have didgeridoos made of bamboo, PVC, metal, fibreglass which also sound very good and are easy to play. Moreover, with a bamboo didgeridoo you also have an inexpensive didgeridoo on which you can start making your first didgeridook sounds.
On the didgeridoo you blow on a mouthpiece, possibly with beeswax, with an opening of about 3 cm diameter. Placing your mouth against the mouthpiece and vibrating your lips produces the basic didgeridoo tone. Didgeridoo playing is not difficult. Most get a sound out of the didgeridoo within 10 minutes
The didgeridoo is different from other wind instruments. You blow through a large opening and have to give resistance with your mouth/lips. The didgeridoo has one tone, it is not a melody instrument. On the didgeridoo, you use the circular breathing technique. The didgeridoo produces many more vibrations than other wind instruments
It is not always necessary to put a beeswax mouthpiece on a didgeridoo. Sometimes the wooden mouthpiece on the didgeridoo is already in good shape and does not need to be changed. If the mouthpiece is too big, you can use beeswax to make the wooden mouthpiece smaller by modelling a mouthpiece on it. This is very easy to do yourself and done in 10 minutes. If the mouthpiece has a rough surface, a bit of beeswax on the mouthpiece can also help.
For beginners who want to buy a cheap didgeridoo with a low tone, we recommend a bamboo didgeridoo. These didgeridoos have a nice, low, deep, round bass tone. Most bamboo didgeridoos have a nice low D note and blow very easily. Compact didgeridoos are also very good!
The teak and mahogany didgeridoos are made of higher-grade wood than bamboo. Also, the process of hollowing out the didgeridoo and making the mouthpiece is more laborious. The mahogany didgeridoo comes with a luxury nylon padded didgeridoo bag and these didgeridoos are a lot longer than the bamboo didjes - 150cm. The teak didgeridoos are 130cm and come painted and unpainted.
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Our workshops have helped many people with
circular breathing and have been able to reduce snoring as a result.
Nice didges. Got four, two from other sellers and two from Australian Treasures. It's a heavy piece of wood (the one on the far left is from Australian Treasures, new. The second from the right also. The one one the far right is bamboo. The two on the left eucalyptus and the one with the colouring.. I am not sure, but it's quite light)
Playing didgeridoo makes you fit! I am very tired after a day's work. But after practising on the didgeridoo, I have energy again! What a great instrument this is. I never thought blowing on a didgeridoo would take so little effort. Super happy.
Participated in one of the workshops. Was a great experience!
Didgeridoo ordered and received in only 37 hours.
Great sound
Thank you Australian Treasures
Wow - 2 weeks on and I just blew a minute-long session for the first time. Sound during inhalation and exhalation is not the same yet, but I was able to smooth that out nicely in the rhythm. So the circular breathing is coming along nicely!
Practising outside in the garden, I suddenly had an audience of 2 little birds, they didn't stay long, circular blowing through a straw is going great and it's already going smoother and better through the didgeridoo. Thanks Niels, your workshop provides a simple, effective approach that works very well and it feels healthy, didgeridoo playing.
Hi Niels,
In November I went on a course with you in Beets, which was an enjoyable experience and left me with great memories, but more importantly I got rid of my apnoea nicely!In my conversation this morning with the pulmonologist, I mentioned that I took the course with you and that I use CBD oil daily. Whether it is the combination or because of either, I don't know, but I am nicely rid of it. From 30 apnoeas to 1!But I was also surprised by the doctor's attitude, because he was more than interested and asked me if I would email your details and for the address where I get my CBD. Because as he indicated, I regularly experience people who cannot get used to the cpap, so maybe we can help them with this.I think this is a development I'd like to share with you and should more applications come to you from the south, you'll know what it might be due to. Always nice to hear. Right?
Totally satisfied with the instrument, from the manufacture to the sound it produces. Excellent for learning, go for it!
Delivery time and tracking were on point. I am excited and happy with the quality and sound of my digideroo. It's better than what I imagined it. I will definitely order from Australian Treasures again. Thank you.!